A protocol for accurate radiochromic film dosimetry using Radiochromic.com
Radiochromic films have many applications in radiology and radiation therapy. Generally, the dosimetry system for radiochromic film dosimetry is composed of radiochromic films, flatbed scanner, and film analysis software. The purpose of this work is to present a protocol for accurate radiochromic film dosimetry using Radiochromic.com as software for film analysis.
Methods and materials:
Procedures for image acquisition, lot calibration, and dose calculation are explained and analyzed. Radiochromic.com enables state-of-the-art models and corrections for radiochromic film dosimetry, such as the Multigaussian model for multichannel film dosimetry, and lateral, inter-scan, and re-calibration corrections of the response.
Results and discussion:
The protocol presented here provides accurate dose results by mitigating the sources of uncertainty that affect radiochromic film dosimetry.
Appropriate procedures for film and scanner handling in combination with Radiochromic.com as software for film analysis make easy and accurate radiochromic film dosimetry feasible.
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